Utilising Corrosive Waste Heat

A large volume of pre-heated and pre-conditioned corrosive air is extracted from cleanrooms and laboratories in order to comply with legistlation. Typically clean air is fed into the building at 18°C to 20°C through an AHU and extracted at 22°C due to the heat gain within the working environment, contributing towards high energy costs and a high carbon footprint.

Excessive energy consumption linked with laboratories and cleanrooms is largely due to ventilation connected with fume cupboards and work stations.  Laboratories commonly have a once through ventilation system with no air recycling, exhausting 100% of the air supplied directly into the atmosphere. The supply air is used to meet comfort conditions and health and safety requirements hence conditioning and distributing the air is very energy intensive.

CPS Heat Recovery systems can significantly reduce energy costs for cleanrooms and laboratories by lowering the amount of heating needed to maintain building temperatures.

All heat exchangers are custom designed and configured to meet the specific service, application or geometry requirements.  Our Heat Recovery systems can also be retrofitted into the existing system.


Contact Details

Chemical Process Solutions Ltd,
Unit 4,
Chevychase Court,
Seaham Grange Ind Est,
County Durham,

t: 0191 523 7711

f: 0191 523 7733

e: [email protected]

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